Ira Levin é o mesmo autor de "O Bebê de Rosemary", outra obra-prima do cinema, dirigida por Roman Polanski. . LIVRO USADO EM BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO. FRETE GRATUITO PARA TODO O BRASIL. Aceitamos depósitos em CEF, Bradesco e Itaú. R$ 29.90
segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007
Os Meninos do Brasil
Ira Levin é o mesmo autor de "O Bebê de Rosemary", outra obra-prima do cinema, dirigida por Roman Polanski. . LIVRO USADO EM BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO. FRETE GRATUITO PARA TODO O BRASIL. Aceitamos depósitos em CEF, Bradesco e Itaú. R$ 29.90
sábado, 17 de novembro de 2007
sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007
The Beautiful Story, 1887
mais livros chegando...
The Heavenly Vision, Rev Frederick Meier,1896
What is Worth While, Anna Robertson Brown, 1893
King Henry the Weight, by Shakespeares, 1896, Harper & Brothers
The New and Revised Outline of History, H G Wells, with hundreds of nice pictures, deLuxe edition in 1951
The Jewish Dilemma, Elmer Berger, 1945
Luther's Smaller Catechism, published by the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
a curious booklet called "These are for thoguhts" (Shakespeare), published by the "Woman's aid of the Reformed Protestant High Dutch Church of Schoharie, NY"
The Household, september 1895, a journal "since 1868 devoted to the interests of the american housewife"
Paul in every day life, Jhon Douglas Adam,DD, 1914
Hiram Golf's Religion, George H Hepwroth,1898, de luxe edition
A break in schedule time, Faye Huntington, 1901, de luxe edition
Free Land, Rose Wilder Lane, 1938
Marching on, James Boyd, 1927
The Curious Quest, E Phillips Oppenheim, 1919
The Story of Cheerio, exclusive edition for the Radio Friends of Cheerio,autographed
Religion and Miracle, George A Gordon.1909
The Moment of Beauty, Samuiel Merwin, 1925
Our Home, or, The key to a nobler life, C E Sargent A M, 1890, illustrated, very interesting
quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007
Type Specimens da Nebiolo
Microgramma, typeface muito conhecida, provavelmente a mais conhecida de Aldo Novarese pela Nebiolo, ao passo de atualmente pelo menos tres grandes typefoundries terem a sua versão. O type specimen em questão é um livreto com oito páginas, impresso na Itália, a tres cores, em papel couchet. Este specimen está em plena conservação, como novoAs fontes representadas são. Na Ebay estamos vendendo-o a partir de US$ 16,90, o que é uma pechincha mesmo. Acreditamos que o leilão vai superar em muito este valor. Mas se voce, como cliente preferencial brasileiro o quer, fazemos por R$ 59,90 com frete gratuito para todo o Brasil. Porém corra muito, pois não vai durar lá na Ebay. Comprando os dois itens voce ganha 5% de desconto.
sábado, 3 de novembro de 2007
Americo Vespucio por A F Varnhagen
Varnhagen was, certainly, one of most important historian researchers about the South America and Brazilian history, and, off course, the first european travel maritime explorations and colonization fo the Americas. Many years after your detah, your library was acquired by the most important and famous brazilian bibliophile, the business-man Jose Mindlin.
Francisco Adolfo Varnhagen, 1872 Baron und 1874 Visconde de Porto Seguro (* 1816 in Sorocaba, Bundesstaat São Paulo, Brasilien; † 1878) gilt als der „Vater der brasilianischen Geschichtsschreibung“.
Leben [Bearbeiten]Varnhagen war Sohn des deutschen Ingenieurs Ludwig Wilhelm Varnhagen(1783-1842) und der Portugiesin Dona Maria Flávia de Sá Magalhães. Ludwig Wilhelm Varnhagen stand ab 1803 im Dienste der portugiesischen Königsfamilie und war ihr 1809 nach Brasilien gefolgt (der gesamte portugiesische Hof siedelte 1807, auf der Flucht vor Napoléon, nach Rio de Janeiro über), wo er die Eisenhütte São João do Ipanema in Sorocaba leitete. 1823 kehrte Ludwig Wilhelm nach Portugal zurück und nahm seinen sechsjährigen Sohn Francisco Adolfo mit. Dieser besuchte in Lissabon zunächst den Real Colégio da Luz, absolvierte dort später verschiedene Studiengänge der militärischen, technischen, mathematischen, ökonomischen und paläographischen Wissenschaften.
Es war Varnhagen, selbst tief in der europäischen Kultur verwurzelt, der Brasilien seine neue Identität gab. Er war der Begründer der methodischen Geschichtsforschung in, oder besser, für Brasilien. Fast immer im europäischen „Exil” lebend, suchte der „brasilianische Patriot” (wie ihn sein Zeitgenosse Capistrano de Abreu bezeichnete) in europäischen Archiven nach Dokumenten über die Kolonisierung des späteren Kaiserreiches und wertete sie aus. 1841 nahm er, gleich nach der Volljährigkeitserklärung und Inthronisierung des erst 15jährigen brasilianischen Kaisers Pedro II., die brasilianische Staatsbürgerschaft an und wurde Mitglied des 1838 gegründeten "Instituto Histórico Geographico Brasileiro". Das Ergebnis seiner langjährigen Forschungsarbeiten (für das Institut) präsentierte er in seinem Hauptwerk, der fünfbändigen "História Geral do Brasil" ("Allgemeine Geschichte Brasiliens"), die 1853-1857 (und in erweiterter Form 1877) erscheinen sollte.
Varnhagen war Autodidakt. Selten zitiert er andere Autoren (Historiker), aber er kannte die (europäischen) historischen Werke seiner Zeit gut, und vermutlich war der Einfluss Leopold von Rankes prägend. Wie auch Ranke, war Varnhagen ein „typischer Historiker des 19. Jhs". Überhaupt scheint der deutsche Einfluss (aufgrund der Nationalität seines Vaters) groß gewesen zu sein (Varnhagen übersetzte u.a. Schriften Heinrich Heines ins Portugiesische).
Varnhagen wurde zu einem der wichtigsten Mitglieder des "Historisch-geographischen Instituts", und anders als andere Mitglieder, die in der Mehrzahl Juristen oder Philosophen waren, beschäftigte er sich vor allem mit historischen Themen und war der von der wissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeit überzeugt. Seine Methoden waren die hermeneutische Erklärung statt der Suche nach Naturgesetzen, empirische Forschung statt philosophischer Verallgemeinerungen.
Eines der Probleme, das Varnhagen in seinem Werk am meisten beschäftigte, war die Konstruktion einer Nation aus den verschiedenen in Brasilien lebenden Ethnien (der uramerikanischen/indianischen, afrikanischen und europäischen) in Brasilien. Dabei stellte er sich als „Meister” der eurozentrischen Geschichtsschreibung heraus, denn er repräsentierte die Vorstellungen der brasilianischen Elite von Geschichte und Nation. Mit großer Eloquenz und Anhäufungen von Daten und Fakten preist er in der "Allgemeinen Geschichte Brasiliens" die portugiesische Kolonisierung. Dabei behält er stets die Sichtweise des „siegreichen Kolonisators“. Als Sieger nämlich zwang der Kolonisator den Kolonisierten seine vermeintliche ethnische, kulturelle und religiöse Überlegenheit auf – zu Recht, nach Ansicht Varnhagens.
Und doch berücksichtigt Varnhagen z.B. die Geschichte der Indios als integraler Bestandteil der brasilianischen Geschichte und propagiert auch die Beschäftigung mit den Indianersprachen. Die Rückbesinnung zu den „Wurzeln“ einer Nation war in der Geschichtsschreibung des 19. Jahrhunderts (in Europa und auch in Amerika) allgegenwärtig.
This an very rare and historical important unbound folio book entitled "Nouvelles recherches sur les derniers voyages du navigateur florentin, et lê reste dês documents et éclaircissements sur lui, avec lês textes dans lês mêmes langues qu’ils ont été écrits", par F. A. de Varnhagen 54 pages, printed in Vienne by Chez le Files de Carl Gerold – 1869. Text in French. The book is cited frequently in Vespucci related works.
All pages have some yellowing and fraying on edges but otherwise in pretty good condition considering age, the present specimen is in surprisingly good shape. Folio 8,5 x 13.5 “ (33.5 x 21 cm.). Few appendice pages are fac-similes from earlyer old documents, and the 48th page have a genealogical tree map of the Vespucci family. Unnafortunally, the last appendix is missing (pages 51 to 54). Sale Price: US$ 219,00, FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE
All pages have some yellowing and fraying on edges but otherwise in pretty good condition considering age, the present copy Text and map in surprisingly good shape. Folio 8,5 x 13.5 “ (33.5 x 21 cm.). PLUS the large folded fold-out "Carte de l'Amerique (Ptolemee, 1513) made in Vienne for this work, at the A.d.k.k. Hof u Staadsdruckerei. Sale Price: US$ 559,00, FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE
sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2007
Nearer my God to Thee : rare editon
This song is traditionally associated with the RMS Titanic, as passengers reported that the ship's band played the hymn as the Titanic sank. This book have 16 pages, all colored and nicely illustrated measuring 5 x 7", and the poem was layouted like a medieval illuminated manuscript, nice to see.
I think this edition, published by The Holyday Publishing Company, comes to world near 1888. Maybe this designs are copyes from the 1878 edition with illustrations by Miss L.B. Humphrey, engraveds by John Andrew & Son. I dont' know. In any case, this thin book of short poems was, with your inspirational engravings, a perfect friedn for the personal piety of the 19th century lady.
Binding strong with all pages clear and conservates. Vintage condition, especially considering the issue is over 115 years old. The illustration from Sara is not from the book. This book was in a family in Schoharie County New York. Family name was Ruth Dietz Vrooman Wadsworth. Note single paper inside of of the book indicate that she is a lineal descent from a Revolutionary War Soldier if that area, died in 1794.
This book costS US$ 24,50 with FREE SHIPPING. If you have any questions or want additional photos, please e-mail me.
quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2007
Manuais de Caligrafia norte-americanos do séculoo XIX
This is a 1881 Penmanship Calligraphy Lesson Book belonging to Lommic Van Obevesen (name in the cover). He was a student at the District 6 school. Where.This softcover book has a practice sentence at the top. Below practice in pen 13 x is his penmanship work. 20 pages measuring 8 x 7. In very good clean condition.
The lesson teaching to writing in a easy and single mixed Copperplate and Spencerian style, but the student was not very diligent, I think. A good source to artists, calligraphers and typographers at general.
This book (when new and blank fields) was published by the famous Payson, Dunton and Scribners in your "National System of Penmanship - In Twelve Numbers" (this is the 5th Lesson) and printed and distributed by Potter, Answorth& Co, from New York and Chicago.
The hardcover is acceptable condition as noted in the photograph, while the back cover have a missing1/5 part. The pages are in good condition as pictured and all attached, but few have little ink spots,because, I say, the student was not a good boy. The spots does not obscure the text. No looser pages, all are attached. Complete, tight and in remarkably good shape for being a century old. This fantastic book measures 5 x 8" overall and features 63 pages. Today it's book and other volumes from this collection are very important for home school students, college students or anyone studying early american ways of writing at America. Vintage condition, especially considering the issue is over 115 years old.
This book was in a family in Schoharie County New York. Family name was Ruth Dietz Vrooman Wadsworth. Note single paper inside of of the book indicate that she is a lineal descent from a Revolutionary War Soldier if that area, died in 1794.
Outline of History H.G. Wells New & Revised
THE NEW AND REVISED OUTLINE OF HISTORY BEING A PLAIN HISTORY OF LIFE AND MANKIND bY H.G. WELLS. COPYRIGHT. 1920, 1951, by H.G.Wells. Published by Garden City Publishing Co., Inc. Garden City, New York. Size: Approximate: 8 1/2 " x 6" x 2". A DELUXE EDITION COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME WITH MAPS AND PLANS MADE SPECIALLY FOR THIS WORK by J.F. HORRABIN (plus of 150 nice illustrations). 39 Chapters with 1191 pages plus Index. Illustrated Condition: Used: Little wear at back and corners, spine is solid, cover has staining (white on front and back) and a few bumps. No dedications or writing on any pages, some browning due to age. Paper has tear at title page flex joint but cloth joint is still good. I have not seen any other tears.
The illustrations of Horrabin are very interesting and cutes, some with woodcut appereances. This is a fantastic and very large historic essay from the "War of the Worlds" creator (and father of the sci-fi literary style) talking about the total outline of the Earth history. This edition is very attractive because is a single and complete volume, while the other knowed editions have two or four volumes..